Ask an expert

Book a call with one of our
Home Gym or Footwear Product Experts

  • Make a booking

    Click on the 'Book Here' button to get started.

  • Pick a date and time

    Pick a date and time from the slots available.

  • Confirmation

    You will receive confirmation and a link to your live call.

  • Your Call

    Click on the link to connect with our expert.

Footwear Product Expert
Book here
Home Gym Product Expert
Book here


Will I be seen on the call?

You will be able to see and hear our Expert, but you can switch off your camera if you wish. Your microphone will need to be on for us to hear you.

What details do I have to share?

We need your email address, name and phone number for booking.

What can I use this service for?

Ask an Expert is a way for you to get live expert product advice on homegym or footwear products. You may want to view a product in-store, see how it works, get further information like equipment dimensions, usage, or suitability.

Can I get information on an existing order?

Unfortunately, we cannot answer queries on existing orders during the video call, but should you need help, just click on the blue help bubble at the bottom of the page.

How do I purchase the item I have been looking at with the Expert?

Our Expert will guide you through the quickest way to make a purchase.

I didn't get an email when I made a booking.

Please check your junk or spam email folder for your booking email confirmation if you haven't received it.